Year 1 / 2




Year 1 

The teacher for Y1 Oak Class is Miss Ghadiyali. Our library day is Thursday. Please send the library book back every Thursday so it can be changed. Our PE day is Friday.

Year 1 follow the Read Write Inc phonics scheme. Children are taught a sound a day and practice reading accurately and fluently with good comprehension. The children are taught how to form letters, spell words correctly and compose their ideas. Reading books are connected to our Read Write Inc phonics scheme.


Year 2

The teacher for Y2 Cherry Class is Mrs Melia. The teacher for Y2 Willow Class is Mrs Matthews. Our library day is Monday. Please send the library book back every Monday so it can be changed. Our PE day is Friday.



Children should come to school in their PE kit on Fridays. They may wear their PE t-shirt, school jumper or cardigan, black tracksuit bottoms or shorts and dark trainers or pumps. Please make sure ear-rings are not worn on PE days. 



Please bring a bottle of water to school each day and make sure the bottle is named. 



Children in Y2 who have finished the Read Write Inc scheme will bring home a Home Reading book. You can help your child to make rapid progress by listening to them read every day.


The school library is open everyday after school if you wish to borrow additional books. Every book read goes towards the Reading Champions Challenge.



We have a two year rolling curriculum to make sure we cover all the topics and learning objectives for Year 1 and Year 2.

Year 1/Year 2

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