Welcome to Year 6

The Year 6 Team

Hornbeam class Teacher is Mr Ellis
Hawthorn class Teacher is Mr Hadwin


Being a Year Six Child

Our older pupils are expected to set an example to the younger pupils in school. Year 6 children hold many of the positions of responsibility and are trusted to be good role models.


Our PE day is Thursday. Please wear your P.E. kit for school on Thursdays. All kit must be named.

We look forward to working with you and your child. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything we can help you with.

Mr Hadwin and Mr Ellis

Homework and Home Reading

Homework will be set on a weekly basis and will consist of English and Maths activities related to our work in class, as well as topic work related to the current topic. In addition to this, children are expected to read every night and login to TT Rockstars and SPAG.com to complete the set activities.

Year 6 Documents

Updated: 14/09/2023 71 KB
Updated: 18/09/2023 784 KB

Year 6 Knowledge Organisers

Updated: 11/11/2021 374 KB
Updated: 11/11/2021 895 KB
Updated: 11/11/2021 2.48 MB
Updated: 09/11/2021 202 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 158 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 386 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 164 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 253 KB
These organisers show the key knowledge and vocabulary your child is expected to know. You can use them at home to help your child remember the key facts and vocabulary and also to encourage them to find out even more facts.