Welcome to Year 3 & 4


It is another wonderful year at St Silas and we are pleased to welcome you to Year 3/4.  For our Year 3 children, moving into Key Stage 2 can be a big change for both children and parents. Often, this can be a scary and intimidating time however; we are always here to offer support and guidance when required.

This year our Year 3/4 are taught by Mrs Hargreaves in Elder class, Mrs Raja in Birch Class and Mr Hadwin in Rowan, all of whom are experienced teachers.


Throughout the year, Year 3/4 will study a wide variety of genres including fiction, non-fiction and poetry and through this we will learn about vocabulary, grammar and spelling. Please encourage your child to learn their weekly spellings as they will be tested weekly.


As with last year, we will be using Power Maths to practise our mastery in all areas of Maths, embedding problem solving and reasoning throughout our learning. We will use a variety of equipment, models and images to help us to master a range of skills.

It was announced in 2018 by the Department of Education that a times table online/on screen digital assessment would be introduced to Year 4 which will take place in June 2023. According to the national curriculum, by the end of Year 4, all children should ‘be taught to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.’


In our science lessons, through developing our investigative and practical skills, we will have lots of fun learning scientific concepts in the areas of Rocks and Soil, Forces, Plants, Light and Shadow, Animals including humans.

Religious Education

We will be learning about Christianity, and other faiths, alongside the work we undertake on using Values (Service, Love, Thankfulness and Belonging) in our daily lives. Each child belongs to a Value Team and works hard with their value ambassadors to promote their value throughout the school.

Trips and enhancements

Each year, the children in Year 3/4 will have the opportunity to go on a range of trips and listen to a variety of guest speakers. These are designed to enhance the children’s understanding of the topics they are learning.

They will include two history/geography trips, one of which, to Ribchester museum to look at the Roman topic and a visit to Ingleton to study rock formations, mountains and the Stone Age . We have also planned our outdoor activities trip in October.

Routines in year 3/4

  • We have Maths, Literacy and Guided Reading every day.

  • In the afternoons we have timetabled different subjects such as Science, Geography, History, Music, PE and PSHE

  • Both Art and DT will be taught at either the beginning or end of each half-term.

  • Swimming in the Autumn term is on Mondays for Elder class, in the Spring term for Birch class, and the Summer term for Rowan class.  If the class is not taking part in swimming, the children will be doing PE for one hour on Monday afternoons. The children will also have an additional hour of PE on Tuesdays. Please note no earrings are permitted on these days.

  • Each child is allocated two reading books each week. Their books are changed on a designated day. It is expected that children read at home each evening and parents sign their home reading records. They will be checked by class teachers each morning.

  • Homework is set every Friday. If it is paper-based, this should be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday. If it is online work, the children will complete it and the completed homework will be marked online.  Usernames and passwords will be distributed during the first couple of weeks of the new school year.

How can parents support learning?


We greatly appreciate the role in supporting your child through homework. 

As well as reading every night at home under adult supervision, we encourage our children to read independently too, but please ask them about the book, the characters and discuss the book with them. 

Homework will include Maths/English, Spellings and Times Tables. Children have access to learning their times tables through the ‘Times Tables Rock stars’ App which they can practise at home. We also encourage children to write using the cursive font in school. Please practise this at home to improve their handwriting. 

Mrs Leaver opens our library most days after school, for children to borrow books. We have books of a wide variety of genres, from a large array of authors.  There is something for everyone.  Every book your child reads, in addition to their reading book, earns them a point towards their Bronze, Silver or Gold Reading Champion Certificate. Please listen to your child read at home.

We have now established our Silas and Me challenges over the last few years and we actively encourage you to complete these with your child. They are available on the school website for you to access at your convenience.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to an exciting year full of learning!

We expect all our Year 3/4 children to work very hard, but to have fun in learning how to be the best that they can be! 

If at any time you would like to speak to any of the Year 3/4 teachers, please get in touch with the school office and an appointment can be arranged. Alternatively, if they are able, the teachers might be able to speak to you at the end of the school day, after the rest of the children have been dismissed. 

Year 3/4 documents

Updated: 05/09/2024 71 KB

Long Term Overview Year 3/Year 4

Updated: 01/12/2022 785 KB
Updated: 01/12/2022 254 KB

Year 3 Knowledge Organisers

Updated: 12/11/2021 100 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 109 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 95 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 101 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 379 KB
Updated: 22/04/2021 64 Bytes

Year 4 Knowledge Organisers

Updated: 09/11/2021 100 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 97 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 97 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 256 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 99 KB
Updated: 09/11/2021 258 KB
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Updated: 09/11/2021 93 KB