Our Aims
We aim to set up a charity to be run by the parents, families and friends of the children at St Silas Primary School. Its main aim will be to raise money for the school and activities for the children, but it will also create a sense of community and promote friendships.
As parents and carers you will be an automatic member of FOSS – your voice counts.
FOSS depends on a continual cycle of parent involvement: as children reach their final year and leave, so do the parents. School will support FOSS where possible, but without your support we will have no FOSS – we really do need your support.
FOSS will be a mixture of parents that work together for the benefit of St Silas School. Some may be full time parents; others may work part time or full time.
None need to be specialists in fundraising, but by taking an active role with FOSS it will benefit your child’s learning experience. Here is a list of 10 reasons why helping FOSS will greatly benefit you, your child and St Silas.
- Reasons why we need your help!
1.You are vital to the success of the school
- Schools are becoming more and more dependent on their parent groups for funds.
2.It’s TOTALLY flexible!
- There are a variety of small ways you can help and be involved – from designing a poster, photocopying, distributing letters in school, cleaning up after an event, helping out on a stall … so many ways!
- Giving up just 30 minutes of your time to help FOSS is invaluable. If everyone could spare 30 minutes a term to help, just think what could be achieved!
- You don’t have to attend FOSS meetings to contribute ideas – just send in ideas for discussion.
3.You’ll feel more connected
- You’ll get to know teachers and other support staff on a more familiar basis
4.You’ll be part of a great network
- Every FOSS event will be an opportunity to meet other parents in the same situation as you
- You will be part of a like-minded network of people who all share a common goal of improving the school for all our children.
5. Make a difference
- FOSS will strive to establish a supportive and encouraging community for the entire school.
- By volunteering to help FOSS you will be able to use whatever skills you have for a good cause
6.Not just for mums!
- It is important to the success of FOSS, our school and our pupils to have dads, grandparents and extended family represented on the committee and to help reach out to others.
- Are you someone with a skill that would come in useful?
7. Be a role model
- By getting involved with FOSS you will show your children that their education is important to you.
- Your children will see you playing an active part in making their education more varied
- Getting involved demonstrates good teamwork and a community spirit.
8. What FOSS does will affect every parent and pupil
- Your voice matters – FOSS will be made up of people elected to represent you, so help them to do this effectively
- Your ideas and involvement can help improve the quality of education for all the children at St Silas
- See the smiles on their faces and know that you have played a part in making school and little more comfortable and fun.
9. It’s fun!
- Help plan fun events, socials and get-togethers
- Suggest NEW ways to raise funds
- Get your whole family involved
10. And finally …
- Children are only at school for a relatively short time. FOSS events will be remembered fondly by your children for a lifetime. The equipment and resources that FOSS will help to fund will make learning even more engaging. Help to continue to create lasting memories.
Are you or someone you know able to support FOSS? Can you help with sponsorship or donate a raffle prize? Can you volunteer? If you want to know more about how you can help please contact the school office for more information.