Year 3 Magnets
Y3 learnt about the North and South poles of a magnet and made their own compass. They have also been investigating which magnet was the strongest.
Litter PIcking Competition
These are a few examples of the entries for our litter picking poster competition. The winners will be announced shortly. This has been organised by our Litter pIcking Action Team arising from our Smart School Council
Science in Year 5 Earth,Sun and Moon
Year 5 used a swivel chair, a light and globe as the perfect props to model and explain how the earth's rotation causes day and night to happen.
RSPB Big School Birdwatch
The children in Beehive took part in the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch.This involved counting the number of birds in our school grounds. The results also contribute to Big Garden Birdwatch – the world's largest wildlife survey. The Big Schools Birdwatch is an annual event that takes place January to February.
Using rekenreks to compose numbers in Year 2
In Oak class, during our afternoon NCETM Mastering Number sessions, we have been using our rekenreks to compose numbers. We have been focusing on 'making' numbers and 'seeing' the parts inside numbers.
Using clay in our RE lesson KS1
Year 1/2 have been learning about the first miracle Jesus performed - turning water into wine. We made pinch pots out of clay to hold water. It was very messy and great fun
Multiplication in Year 3
Birch class have been learning how to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
Electricity in Year 4
In science Y4 have been making their own switches and completing a complete circuit.
Year 3 Digimap for Schools
Year 3 have been using the fabulous resource Digimap for Schools to help their mapping skills and knowledge of the World.
Year 5 Earth ,Moon and Sun
Year 5 were investigating the movement of the earth and moon relative to the sun by acting it out. They had great fun and learned lots of facts in the process. Well done everyone!