Recipe4Health Gold Award
We are very pleased to say that we have been awarded a gold recipe4health award. More information can be found on:
Visual Impairment Awareness
Our Year 5 children took part in various activities to understand the impact of a visual impairment. it helped to develop empathy for people with visual impairment.
Healthy Mind Healthy Body Superlearning Day
Today we have learned all about the brain and how to keep our bodies healthy.
Bronze Award for Teeth Brushing
We have been awarded a bronze award for brushing teeth in our Reception class.
Spelling Shed in Year 2
Year 2 children loved exploring Spelling Shed this morning, they have looked at all of their spelling patterns they have learnt this year so far! Log ins will be sent home for them to practise.
Year 4 science Sounds
The children explored how sound waves can travel through different mediums.
Empathy in Year 2
Willow class has been looking at animal welfare and all about empathy in PSHE. We put on our empathy glasses yesterday to see if we could imagine how other people were feeling in different scenarios!
Year 2 local area work
Year 2 have been studying our local area in Geography. We have been looking at all of the different physical and human features we have in our area. We will be conducting some fieldwork in a few weeks time with a visit to Corporation Park.
Spiral Artwork
KS1 have been drawing spirals in art.
More Children's University Photographs
Further to our ChIldren's University graduation on Saturday we held an assembly in school. More children were given their certificates.
Children's University Graduation
On Saturday lots of our children attended the CHildren's University Graduation at Blackburn University to receive their awards. well done everyone.
Art work at our local care home
A group of our children visited our local care home and painted their wall. We love visiting the care home. We are very proud of our art work.