World Book Day 2025
Everyone enjoyed World Book Day. We all enjoyed activities connected to books and enjoyed sharing our favourite books.
Science in Year 1
Year 1 have been learning about solid objects. We learnt the properties; twist, bend, stretch and bend. We use visuals to help us learn scientific words.
World Book Day 2024
What a fantastic World Book Day!
Bear Found
Reception children went on a bear hunt around our school to find a bear. They had fun exploring the parts of our school that they had not seen yet.
Farmer Duck
EYFS are having a 'quacking' time acting out 'Farmer Duck.' These fabulous animal pals knew how to teach that lazy farmer a lesson and help their hardworking friend.
EYFS Jubilee Celebration -Teddy bear story time.
EYFS loved their special Jubilee Celebration teddy bear story time with Lancashire school library service.
World book Day KS1 March 2022
For World Book Day, Year 1/2 read Elephant in my Kitchen by Smritti Halls. We made our own houses and filled them with animals. Then we changed the story. Some of the new stories were Parrot in my Bathroom, Octopus in my Bedroom and Polar Bear in my Fridge.
World Book Day
The teachers enjoy dressing up too!