Half Term Activities -Children's University
The half term activities with Blackburn Children's University are available on ParentPay from Tuesday 5/10/21 if you would like to sign your child up. Places are limited and offered on a first come first serve basis! #halfterm #cooking #artsandcrafts
Year 5 Activity Day
Year 5 developed their teamworking skills and their resilience on their activity day.
Choir at Blackburn University Graduation
Wow! Listen to the fantastic performance by Children's University Choir including our school choir at Blackburn University Graduation.
Year 6 activity day
Year 6 went on an activity day at Outdoor elements.
KS1 led our harvest service in church on 8.10.21.
Children's University Sign Up
If your child is in years 1 - 6 and not already a member of Blackburn Children's University you can sign them up on ParentPay NOW! Deadline is Tuesday 4th October.
Children's University Clubs still available
We still have spaces available on these clubs. Sign up on ParentPay now! You have until Friday to sign up as all clubs start next week!
Young Carers in Schools Covid Award
St Silas School has been awarded the Young Carers in Schools Covid Award for incredible support of young carers during the Covid pandemic.
Welcome to our new teacher and student teacher
We are excited to announce that Mrs Khan has started today as our new Year 4 teacher and Miss Turner has started has our new student teacher in Year 2. We welcome them to our school family and hope they will be very happy.
Welcome to all our new starters. We hope you have a fantastic day and soon feel like you belong to the St Silas family.
Summer Camp
Exciting Summer Camp during August
Goodbye Year 6
Final assembly for Year 6